Author: tkeesling

A quick website update!

We have been working very hard on our website trying to get everything back in order.  We are slowly getting things organized.  We now have many of our photo galleries loaded but still have much, much more to load especially in the “Events” galleries.  We are still working a few kinks out of our photo gallery section of the website.  We have split our photo gallery and our video gallery into their respective sections so as you will notice, they look a little different when visiting each section.  Our video gallery section is a work in progress right now and while most everything functions, there are many “dead” links as of late but this will be fixed as soon as we can get to it.  We have tons of videos to load and it will take some time to get that done.  We hope you can enjoy the little bit of progress we have made here, and please be patient as we iron all the kinks out.

Thanks, The Keesling’s

New Keesling Photography Website!

Welcome to the new Keesling Photography Website! We are just moving into our new website so it will take a while to get all of our galleries loaded back up and working. We will be adding a new Keesling Photography Video section to our new website as well. Over the next few months we will be diligently working and loading all of our old photos and videos as quickly as possible for your enjoyment. Please be patient as we get our site together! Thanks, The Keesling’s